Yvonne Bronner

multimedia artist‭ & ‬educator

Through art I try to come closer to the world and to myself‭. ‬My process is a dialogue with myself and the world‭, ‬it is a conversation between feelings‭, ‬thoughts‭, ‬observations‭, ‬bodies and different materials and techniques‭. ‬

Every work or process is an encountering between inside and outside‭, ‬between soul and surface‭, ‬reality and interpretation‭, ‬between thinking and feeling‭.‬

Making is important in this process but more important is experiencing‭, ‬that is why I started to move my focus to performative and participating forms of art in the past year‭. ‬In the future‭, I would like to collaborate with other artists and the audience‭.‬


artistiek educatief project en tentoonstelling in
samenwerking met Simone van der Meer bij Villa Zebra.

`De Kerk’
Organisator en medeoprichter kunstenaarscollectief.

September 2021. Heilige Familiekerk,
Nootdorpstraat 4-6, 3037 BM Rotterdam

SKAR Project,
Basisschool Toermarlijn: Lesgeven aan kinderen
vanuit het atelier van de kunstenaars.


`De Kerk´ en gastkunstenaars in de Heilige Familiekerk.
15 – 17 September 2023, GRAW

De grafiekwerkplaats,
stichting KunstWerkt Schiedam. 6 – 30 April 2023

eindtentoonstelling in Villa Zebra. Juni 2022

`What About Making Space. ́
De Kerk kunstenaarscollectief. September 2021

`Zwischenspiel ́,
solo exhibition Galerie Maaskoe. Juli 2019

kunstroute Enschede. 2018