to reconcile
my differences
1. Separate a (small) hand full of rice.
2. Listen to your thoughts.
3. Place the rice on the shelf write down your name, thoughts, etc.
`to reconcile my differences´ was a five hour performance, open for participation from everyone, which was part of an exhibition called „what about making space“ in September 2021 in our collective studio `de kerk´.
Separating grains of rice in silence, listening to my own thoughts, feelings, trying to look inside, writing down a `good´ and a `bad´ thought/feeling, with every finished little pile.
I wanted to experience what the, simple but motorically quite difficult , action of seperating the grains, one by one, for hours would do to me.
I wanted to create the time and the space to meet myself with all my different and often contradicting thoughts, feelings, judgements and expectations about myself and others.
To open this performance up for participation was a very interesting experience.
As it revolved around the solitary practice to look inside yourself. Can you share solitude without losing it?

Heilige Familiekerk, 09/2021